In order to point your domain name to our servers you will need to visit your domain registrar (the website where you registered the domain) and set the name servers there.

This is a common process at all domain registrars and the function should be located in sections like 'DNS Management', 'Change Nameservers'. For specific help on changing the name servers at your domain registrar feel free to navigate to their website's help section. Search for 'changing name servers' or 'changing DNS servers'.

Our name servers can be found in Client Area -> List accounts -> Account Details. Please note that any other name servers that are set on your domain at the domain registrar will need to be removed and replaced by our name servers.

After you have updated the name servers on your domain, it will take some time to propagate. Usually, it takes 24 - 48 hours to update on across the internet.

If you still have any trouble with setting the name servers, please let us know the login details of your domain registrar, and we will set nameservers on your behalf.

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